Development stages

The division into the following stages of the Institute’s development is made on the basis of the dependence of the scientific and practical activities and changing conditions of the surrounding world of IRIAS states – participants.

IRIAS development stages

Этапы развития МНИИПУ

Stage I (1976–1990) is characterized by an interdisciplinary focus of activity and the formation of a dynamic international community of scientists and specialists on governance, information technology, market transformation mechanisms using advanced foreign experience. Plans for multilateral scientific research have been drawn up, international scientific teams and branches have been set up in the IRIAS countries – participants.

Results of scientific activity for 1981-1985 were approved at the XIV meeting of the IRIAS Council. Over these years, the Institute carried out 82 research works, prepared 24 information and analytical reviews, published 102 monographs. A number of methodological documents, models, man-machine systems and programs designed to solve complex organizational and economic problems have been developed. Important work has been carried out in the field of improving governance for international and national authorities.

At the XI meeting of the IRIAS Council in March 1983, an international journal “The Problems of Management Theory and Practice” was established. It published and publishing up-to-date information on issues in the field of management. Among the authors were the leaders of party and economic authorities of the CMEA member countries, scientists and specialists in the field of management. For example, the circulation of the last issue for 1985 reached 3000 copies, which were distributed by subscription, through free sale and free of charge.

The journal is published monthly (12 issues per year) and has a solid list of subscribers. It regularly addresses statesmen, heads of diplomatic missions, famous scientists, leading experts and analysts, heads of enterprises and organizations. Among its authors are the presidents of Russia, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Moldova, the chairmen and heads of government, vice-premiers and ministers of the Russian Federation, governors, members of the Federation Council and deputies, auditors of the Russian Accounting Chamber, experts from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, and other international economic organizations.

According to the Russian index of scientific citation, the Impact Factor of the international journal “Problems of Management Theory and Practice” for 2016 was 0.844.

In this period (1976–1990) IRIAS solved scientific and practical problems of accelerated transfer of the economy to an intensive way of development, increasing the productivity of enterprises, introducing the latest scientific and technological achievements.

A significant event, which changed the course and development trends of the Institute, was the economic meeting of the CMEA member countries at the highest level. As one of the most important tasks in the field of economy and mutual cooperation, it called “an accelerated transfer of the economy to an intensive way, increasing its efficiency by improving the structure of social production, rational and economical use of existing material and labor resources, better use of fixed assets and scientific and technical potential”. This task was the main reference point in the formation and implementation of the IRIAS research plan during this period.


Stage II of IRIAS development (1990–2000) is characterized by a change in the course of activity. 

Political and socioeconomic transformations in the Institute’s countries in the late 1980s brought new demands on the activity. There were new interests and needs of these countries and their organizations. Therefore, in 1990 the Institute focused on finding new directions and forms of activity.
Priority areas of scientific research were:
  1. the Institute transformation into a regional international center that fosters effective cooperation between the countries of the East and West;
  2. socio-economic conditions of the radical restructuring of the economic and management systems, the transition to new management mechanisms;
  3. strategic planning and management of socio-economic, scientific and technical development of countries;
  4. the study of man role and place in management; 
  5. increasing the effectiveness of management systems based on mathematical methods and computer facilities.
The wide use of methods and means of information technology has become a feature of most of the Institute’s projects. In some areas of application of information technology, his team acted as a pioneer.
Despite the difficulties of the transition period, the IRIAS continued to work successfully.

Work in the field of information technology in the 90 years was carried out in three directions:

  • development of fundamental theoretical bases of computer science;
  • creation of promising computational means in order to increase the efficiency of IT application;
  • development of information technologies for solving specific applied problems.

Development of information technologies at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, the Institute conducted a series of theoretical and practical works that can be considered as the first stage of the creation of a biomolecular computer.

In the framework of the III stage (2000–2007) a significant number of models were created on the basis of which many problems of control and choice of the parameters of the investigated objects were solved. The Institute developed a number of macroeconomic models for studying the processes of economic development.

The Institute’s work on the creation of information technologies for forecasting and estimating natural resources have got a great practical importance. Several versions of such information systems were developed.

By the beginning of the 2000s, serious changes occurred in the IRIAS activity, caused by the desire to adequately respond to changes in the socio-economic situation of the member states of the Institute, related to the rapidly developing processes of globalization, the intensification of economic,  scientific and technical ties between the West and East. The need for the implementation of large-scale projects related to the introduction of information technologies in management processes has increased in the IRIAS countries.


At the IV stage (2007–2016) was conducted research on the analysis of the development and results of economic reforms in Russia in 1991-2006. Priority research has been to improve the management of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex. New steps were taken in studying the best practices of developed countries in the organization and management of the economy. A large amount of work was done in the framework of projects that examine the evolution of governance in the XXI century at the state, municipal and corporate levels.

Serious changes in the nature of research allowed the IRIAS to achieve several goals dictated by the requirements of the time. First, all the work was carried out based on a specific customer, which provided the Institute with a solid financial and material base. Secondly, the Institute actively used those wide opportunities, which are incorporated in modern IT-outsourcing. And, thirdly, he managed to maintain and develop a breakthrough to the Western European IT market, establishing a solid long-term basis for cooperation with EADS.

The results of the work, obtained within the framework of the Institute’s cooperation with foreign partners, demonstrated the high scientific potential of the IRIAS and its latest achievements in knowledge-intensive fields, as well as the experience of multidisciplinary studies of various orientations.