Category Archives: News

Meeting of the ISO / IEC working group on development of standards of digital economy in Holland

26-28 June 2018 in Amersford (Holland) took place a meeting of the joint working group ISO / IEC on the development of digital economy standards (JWG 5 – IEC/SC65E/ISO/TC184/SC5 & ISA 95). During the meeting, a great interest was caused by the report of the Director of Center for international information standards Vyacheslav Kukshev “About the prospective structuring of standards …

Prospects for China-Russia trade, economic and financial cooperation in a new era

Перспективы торгово-экономического и финансового сотрудничества Китая и России в новую эпоху

15-16 July 2018 in Beijing, the Fourth Economic Dialogue between Russia and China was held on the theme “Prospects for China’s and Russia’s Trade-Economic and Financial Cooperation in a New Era.” A report on the “Strategic Matrix of the Eurasian Integration” was made by the General director Alexander Ageev. Director of the Center for studies of the …

Strategic game “Caribbean crisis 2.0”

Стратегическая игра "Карибский кризис 2.0"

9 July 2018 under the leadership of the General director of the IRIAS Alexander Ageev, a strategic game on the theme “Caribbean crisis 2.0” was held.  Masters from the universities of the USA, Freiburg University of Germany and National Research Nuclear University MEPhI became the participants of the game. During the game, both alternative scenarios for …

Director of the IRIAS Center awarded the title of Honorary Professor

Директору Центра МНИИПУ присвоено звание Почетного профессора

I.N. Panarin, Director of the IRIAS Center for partnership studies of China, Russia and United States, awarded the title of Honorary Professor of China University of Petroleum. China Petroleum University (CUP) was founded in 1953 and is administered by the Ministry of Education of China. One of the campuses of the university is located in Qingdao city on the shore …

Interview “Projected future”


26 June 2018 in a cycle of interviews “Current Dialogue” took part Director of the Center for knowledge economy S.B. Pereslegin, where he discussed the topic “Predictable future”, and also spoke about the science of forecasting, its methods and subtleties of the strategist’s work in the modern conditions of the rapidly changing world.  

Agreement with I-Teco Company

Соглашение с АО "Ай-Теко"

A cooperation agreement has been signed between IRIAS and  I-Teco Company.  I-Teco Company – one of the largest Russian IT companies working in the field of development, system integration, infrastructure solutions, services and outsourcing, information security and consulting. For more than 20 years the company has been implementing many significant projects of various complexity and …

Agreement with RACIB

Соглашение с РАКИБ

A cooperation agreement has been signed between International Research Institute for Advanced Systems (IRIAS) and Russian Association of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain (RACIB).   Russian Association of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain (RACIB)  promotes the spread and deep integration into the country’s economy of blockade technology, and also develops information services on the basis of blockade technology, legal, technological and methodological …