Monthly Archives: September 2015

Meeting-seminar with specialists of LLC “Voskresenskhleb” and LLC “Karavai”


23-26 September 2015 the International Management & Investment Consulting (IMI Consulting) held a joint meeting-seminar with specialists LLC “Voskresenskhleb” and LLC “Karavai” (Moscow region) on the topic “Improving the operational efficiency of production activities using the best practices of global management.” The course included express diagnostics at enterprises, active training and the development of a package of innovative …

The meeting-seminar in the “Stupino Metallurgical Company”

ОАО «Ступинская металлургическая компания»

14-19 September 2015 the International Management & Investment Consulting (IMI Consulting) held a meeting-workshop in “Stupino Metallurgical Company” (Stupino, Moscow region) on the theme “Improving the operating efficiency of the production structures” for top managers.  In addition to active training and rapid diagnostics of the current state of the enterprise, together with the consultants, the company was formed. …