Category Archives: News

Working group of the Economic Council

Рабочая группа Экономического совета

26 June 2018  a meeting of the Working Group of the Economic Council under the President of the Russian Federation in the direction “Development of International Economic Integration” was held. The meeting reviewed the current state and prospects of Russian-Chinese economic cooperation.    General director of the IRIAS A.I. Ageev, director of the Center for studies …

Working meeting with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Hungary

флаг Венгрии

14 June 2018 a working meeting of the General director of IRIAS A. Ageev, Director of the Center for nuclear and water law I. Sabo was held with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Hungary, Director of the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade M. Sheberl. During the meeting, the parties considered the possibilities for future …

Working meeting with the rector of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics

14 June 2018 a working meeting of the IRIAS General director Alexander Ageev and Director of the Center of nuclear and water law of IRIAS Ivan Sabo with the rector of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics Y. Yuzy.  Budapest University of Technology and Economics is one of the oldest technical universities in Hungary, as well as …

An international conference on nuclear law in Hungary

13 июня 2018 г. состоялась первая международная конференция по ядерному праву в городе Печ, Венгрия, организованная МНИИПУ совместно с Университетом Печ. На конференции выступили министр по делам АЭС «Пакш» Янош Шули, генеральный директор МНИИПУ Александр Агеев, директор Центра ядерного и водного права МНИИПУ Иван Сабо и другие.

13 June 2018 the first international conference on nuclear law was held in Pec City, Hungary, organized by IRIAS in cooperation with the University of Pécs. The Minister for NPP Paks Janos Shuli addressed to the conference participants with an introductory speech in which outlined the need for qualified employees in the development of the Paks nuclear …

Global geopolitical triangle China-USA-Russia

12 June 2018 Director of the IRIAS Center for partnership studies of China, Russia and United States, professor I.N. Panarin delivered a lecture on “The Global Geopolitical Triangle China-USA-Russia” before the teachers and masters of the China University of Petroleum (Beijing). During the lecture, historical phases of the development of China, USA and Russia were presented, as …

Working meeting at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Венгерская академия наук

11 June 2018 in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest), a working meeting of the IRIAS General director A. Ageev and Director of the Budapest Center for nuclear and water law of the IRIAS I. Sabo with Hungary’s representative in IRIAS Council, professor T. Ashbot took place. Were discussed the results of work for 2017 and plans for 2018-2020 years.

International youth foresight session “The Economy of Trust as the Key Driver of Integration in Greater Eurasia”

Young students and expert, coming from Europe and Asia, gathered to discuss about possible future scenarios regarding the economy of trust as a key driver of integration in Greater Eurasia. How to transform the economic cooperation of the countries of Greater Eurasia, with different index of human capital development and huge cultural and social differences, …

Conference “Threats and challenges of the Perm Region until 2032”


25-27 May 2018 the administration of the governor of Permsky Krai held a conference “Threats and challenges of the Perm Krai until 2032” in Ust-Kachok. The purpose of the conference is to define the “external” strategic challenges and threats to the social and economic development of the Perm Krai (world, country, region), including assessing their …