Innovative Entrepreneurship: A New Reality

On September 30, 2022, the VIII International Conference “Innovative Entrepreneurship – 2022. New Reality” was held as part of the X International Baltic Maritime Forum.

IRIAS experts held section IV “Regional and sectoral tariff policy in the new reality”. The moderator of the section was the director of the International Center for the Development of Competition of the IRIAS, Candidate of Economic Sciences V.N. Podopigora.

Representatives of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, the Higher School of Tariff Regulation and the Scientific Laboratory “Digital Technologies of Tariff Regulation” of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, the International Center for the Development of Competition MNIIPU, Kaliningrad State Technical University, heads of a number of organizations.

The reports deeply and thoroughly considered a wide range of issues related to the tariff policy. The problems of tariff regulation in the electric power industry, tariff regulation as a tool for ensuring social security, an integrated system for the treatment of MSW, system methodologies and integration models, a digital platform for tariff regulation, digital infrastructure projects, the use of digital technologies in the “circular economy”, system strategic design and other important innovative topics.

All reports were listened to with great attention and evoked approving assessments from the participants of the meeting. Directly during the meeting, agreements were reached between a number of participants on ways for further intensive cooperation.

The head of the Department of Innovation Activities of the Kaliningrad State Technical University, A.Ya. Yafasov highly appreciated the technology of the meeting, noting that this section of IRIAS experts was highly efficient due to the use of a fruitful methodology for organizing the discussion.