On September 29, 2022, a round table will be held in Kemerovo: “Intellectual games as a tool for the formation of an intellectual elite.” The event will be moderated by A.G. Savoysky, President of the International Federation of Mind Games BRICS, Director of the Center for Mind Games Research of MRIAS.
The purpose of the round table is to draw the attention of the general public of the BRICS countries (representatives of state authorities, the business community, civil society, scientists and cultural figures) to the issue of the need to develop a systematic approach in the educational process for teaching children intellectual games.
Main topics for discussion:
- intellectual games as a tool of public diplomacy;
- intellectual games as a tool for the implementation of international educational, cultural and educational and sports projects;
- intellectual games: from kindergarten to professional sports;
- intellectual games as an element of upbringing and education of the younger generation;
- the influence of intellectual games on the formation of the worldview of children and adolescents;
- intellectual games in educational and educational processes;
- checkers as a foundation for intellectual development;
- Fatum – Russian intellectual game: current state and development prospects.
The speakers will be leading representatives of the BRICS chess community and other intellectual games, as well as heads of educational centers of the BRICS countries.