Center of nuclear and water law
The Budapest Nuclear and Water Law Center (hereinafter referred as “the Center”) was founded on October 10, 2017 by the International Research Institute for Advanced Systems “IRIAS”, based in Moscow, and in a same time appointed Dr. Iván Szabó as the Director of the Center.
For the purpose of studying scientific and practical problems, the Center may involve scientific experts and create temporary scientific working groups and laboratories. The Center conducts scientific and applied researches in cooperation with research institutes, organizations and enterprises and also conducts joint research programs with other organizations, including with associations, trade unions, technical and scientific-educational centers as well.
The Center cooperates with leading Hungarian higher education institutions, in particular with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the University of Pécs.
The Center carries out the following tasks under international scientific and technical cooperation:
- Developing and supporting cooperation between higher education institutions in Hungary and the Russian Federation, in particular with the Moscow National Research Nuclear University (in Russian: НИЯУ «МИФИ»,);
- Participation in professional issues in the field of nuclear and water law;
- Organize international conferences and forums with the aim of promoting cooperation between the participants in the nuclear energy industry and environmental projects;
Owing to the Center’s organizational activity, in autumn 2017, the Russian National Research Nuclear University (MIFI) signed a cooperation agreement with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and also with the University of Pécs.