13 April 2018 Director of the Research Center of the elite and geopolitics S.Yu. Rybas delivered a lecture “The past is a draft of the future” at the National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, within the framework of the “Academic Readings” project.
The history of Russia is the thousand-year life of our ancestors, most of which left no evidence of their earthly existence, except for one – the Russian state. And all the princes, kings, emperors, secretaries-general and presidents who ruled the state, not only obeyed the requirements of their time, but also followed the historical traditions that made all of them participants of a single centuries-old process.
Therefore, we all need to remember: if we transfer the right to interpret our history to representatives of other nations and cultures, we will lose the very basis of our development and existence. Attempts to review the history of the world are constantly being made.
The twentieth century for Russia was a time of unprecedented achievements and cruel defeats. Forgetting this experience means moving to the future to the touch, condemning yourself to repeated disappointments and trials. And this is in a situation where a significant part of Russians lost positive motivations, without which human life turns into vegetation.
Something is waiting for us now, at the beginning of the XXI century?
It is necessary to reflect on the critical faults of past times. After all, historian Vasily Klyuchevsky wrote: “The past must be known not because it passed, but because, when leaving, it did not take its consequences.”