Round table “National interests in the era of multipolarity: the economic aspect”

Круглый стол «Национальные интересы в эпоху многополярности: экономический аспект»

18 April 2018 г. Director of the Center for studies of the global financial system and monetary policy of the leading countries of the IRIAS M.V. Ershov visited Round table “National interests in the era of multipolarity: the economic aspect”, within the framework of which a new book was published by the experts of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation “Multipolarity: institutions and mechanisms for the coordination of national interests”.

Modern world order is in the stage of transition to multipolarity. But the countries of the West and their ruling establishment, which have the maximum advantages from monopoly, are firmly opposed to this transition. Ensuring global peaceful coexistence requires that this transition be of an evolutionary nature.
Is it possible to achieve this without revolutionary upheavals? How to ensure unconditional and compulsory observance of international law by all participants in international relations in the sphere of economy? How to achieve depoliticization of economic interaction? What are the national interests of Russia today? What are the points of contact between the economic interests of Russia and the EU countries, Britain, Japan, China, India, Iran and other growing economies?

More details on the official website “Russia Today”.